Buy and Hodl of cryptos safely can be beneficial
If you are about to buy and hold the legal ownership of cryptocurrencies, you will not incur any charges like swap (overnight charges). You cannot do this with Forex. But make sure to keep your password safe as you cannot recover, if it is lost or hacked.
Trading cryptos is costlier than forex
Earlier we discussed major Forex currency pairs can be traded at a cost of less than 0.01% of the value of the asset traded. It is relatively considerably more expensive to trade cryptocurrencies. For example, the major cryptocurrency Bitcoin usually has a spread/commission structure of about 0.10% of the asset traded, about 10 times the cost of trading EUR/USD. Also Spread is less in forex as compared to crypto due to low liquidity in crypto. Which makes profitable short-term trading in cryptocurrency more challenging in cryptocurrency than in Forex.
Cryptocurrencies, by excluding Bitcoin, are much smaller in capitalization than the national currencies which are traded in Forex.
The cryprocurrencies are more sensitive to micro issues that affect their own markets such as their integrity, adaptability, and popularity. In a sense, it is largely believed that in the end there will only be a few successful cryptocurrencies which become widely used, so the value of the smaller cryptocurrencies will tend to rise or fall depending upon how their chances of becoming a “successful” cryptocurrency are seen.
Cryptocurrencies has been more volatile than Forex currency pairs.
Over a year, a cryptocurrency might make a rise in value tenfold – 1,000% – while a major Forex currency pair may typically fluctuate by 10% over a similar period of time. Forex have central banks and national governments managing them, while cryptocurrencies does not have anything but only market forces acting on them, meaning they are far more likely to fluctuate wildly in price. This means that large amounts of money can be made by trading or investing in them, but risk levels are much higher. Cryptocurrencies are also far less liquid than most national fiat currencies.
Due to the nature of high risk and volatility, most brokers offer trading in cryptocurrencies at very low rates of maximum leverage.
The leverage offered to trade in cryptos are usually 5 to 20 which is comparatively less than forex.
Cryptos can be traded on weekends too
Unlike Forex, crypto markets tend to be open at weekends, meaning you can trade them on Saturdays and Sundays. You cannot do this with Forex.