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Miners after all 21 million Bitcoins mined

Aug 20, 2021 07:36


Bitcoin is like a digital gold in many ways. Like gold, bitcoin cannot be created spontaneously; it requires work to “extract”. Gold must be extracted from geological earth and bitcoin “mined” from computational method. There are about 18.5 million Bitcoins are currently and worth about $ 80 billion based on the current BTC price of $ 43,500 per coin. But what happens when all 21 million coins are issued?

There is a lot of speculation about the reasons for Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nagamoto to limit the supply of Bitcoin. Most people believe that this is his approach to creating a tough electronic currency without inflation. Whatever may be the reason some questions arising like when all Bitcoins will be mined? Also, what will happen to Bitcoin miners once this happens?

Why Bitcoin is better than Gold?

Being digitally Bitcoin takes gold’s benefits a step ahead.  The supply of Bitcoin is not only handled arbitrarily, but also eliminates the need for paper substitutes, which are weightless and almost inexpensive to save. Because gold is so heavy and takes up so much physical space, people under the gold standard prefer paper alternatives to gold rather than carrying real coins with them. This practice leaves gold in the bank and makes people trust the bank to handle gold responsibly. 

Thus, even under strict gold standards, banks can betray the trust of their hosts, create new deposits and provide reliable media. The digital nature of Bitcoin eliminates this problem; It costs almost nothing to save, and since it takes an extra zero, you can carry Bitcoin on someone without an extra burden. No more paper substitutes needed, banks no longer have the opportunity to make money from thin air.

In spite of promising benefits, people also taking advantage of the fact that Bitcoin has a limited supply.

Limited supply of Bitcoins

The miners are not “creating” any new bitcoin, even if it seems like they do. In fact, when Satoshi Nagamoto introduced Bitcoin in January 2009, he released all 21 million Bitcoins. The real role of a miner is to protect the network and process Bitcoin transactions. Every 10 minutes a successful miner finds a new block by solving a cryptographic puzzle and is allowed to add it to the Bitcoin blockchain.

Currently, there are two things that miners make money:

  • Minted money
  • Transaction fees.

1. Minted Money – Within the Bitcoin protocol, 25 BTC is generated in every ten minutes. Mining is critical to the integrity of the Bitcoin protocol, so work should be encouraged to ensure the network is operational. However, the amount of BTC is halved every 4 years so that the profit of the mine is less and less available. However, mining is not just dependent on mining because there are small transaction fees whenever a transaction is made, which also goes to the miners. Currently, these make up a small portion of the profits, however, as the number of minted BTCs is small, transaction fees will begin to play a very important role in the BTC network.

2. Transaction Fees – As a result of the limit supply of bitoins can hit the currency becomes the deflationary currency. Currently, thousands of BTC are produced daily, which causes inflation, however once the BTC mine stops, the currency will stop inflating. If someone receives a few BTCs and then forgets his account, that person will have to delete a few BTCs, or at least a few thousand satoshis (subdivision of BTC equals ten nanobitcoins, or 1 / 100,000,000 of a bitcoin). This action, while not trivial as an individual, is a somewhat regular occurrence and will reduce the number of BTCs and increase the value of BTCs in the long run. This deflation, coupled with increasing popularity, will make it seem cheap to us in 10 years (now) and incredibly expensive in 100 years. Compare this to the US dollar (US dollar), because any American who listens to grandparents will remember that it used to cost 1 cent then, and now seems incredibly cheap to our modern economy. The important thing is that instead of governments printing more money and converting goods to higher prices, Bitcoins will be destroyed over time and the price of goods will be lower. Whether it is good or not depends on what you consider is good and how you view the economy.

Bitcoin has the mathematical scarcity of complete history. This scarcity can be verified by any member of the network and is controlled by a mechanism in the source code of Bitcoin. This algorithm allows the miners who create the blocks to obtain the newly minted Bitcoin. This subsidy helps the miners to cover the high cost of mining. However, every four years, the algorithm cuts the subsidy in half in an event called the halving. This process will continue until the year 2140, when the flow of new bitcoin will decrease from one satoshi per block to zero.

When a halving occurs, miner revenue is roughly cut in half. As with any industry, a 50% loss in revenue can force a business out of operation. In the case of Bitcoin, mining directly provides security to the network, so a flight of miners from the network could jeopardize Bitcoin’s security model. As the block subsidy trends towards zero, Bitcoin skeptics believe that low miner revenue could lead to lower security and a diminishing value proposition for Bitcoin itself.

What will happen if Bitcoin miners stopped processing Bitcoin

One issue that critics want to discuss about the stable distribution of bitcoin is how miners will react once they lose their block rewards and the mining system will become unstable because miners will have to rely on transaction fees to finance themselves financially. If majority of miners stopped mining Bitcoin, then the Bitcoin network can change forever. But you can able to view which wallet addresses hold Bitcoin, You can able to view the entire history of every single Bitcoin transaction ever made. 

But confirming new transactions requires mining. If miners stop producing new blocks, it would effectively become impossible to spend any Bitcoin in the future. That’s quite the doomsday warning for the Bitcoin network, but many believe miners will stay the course, even once transaction fees are their only reward. 


It can be tricky to guess when Bitcoin will reach its maximum limit. But some crypto geeks say that if the mining power of Bitcoin is the same as the first block was mined, the last BTC can be mined by October 8, 2140. Others claim that Bitcoin is still used as a currency and performs similar functions. With Fiat money, there is a chance it will be highly stabilized. As a very popular and leading virtual asset over thousands of others, BTC will be remembered as an invaluable asset not only in terms of market capitalization and price but also for its outstanding contribution to improving the position of today’s financial system.

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