Proof of Work, however, is not perfect, and the flaws which including slow transaction times and hefty gas fees and this became too big problem. The emergence of the Ethereum-based CryptoKitties game is one good example for that. The game, which introduced an early version of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), became so popular that it made the Ethereum network to clog, delaying transactions and causing fees to skyrocket.
The rise of decentralized finance, or DeFi, is yet another use case that has underscored the importance of an efficient network.
This is the main reason why Ethereum 2.0 comes in. In order for developers to avoid shooting themselves in the foot with their own innovation, they are building Ethereum 2.0. This is a massive upgrade of the existing network to one that is more scalable and could hasten the adoption of the blockchain among the mainstream.
In Ethereum 2.0, Chief among the changes is a switch in the consensus protocol from PoW to proof-of-stake (PoS). Staking will lead to greater participation in securing the Ethereum network, which in turn will create a more decentralized blockchain
In the PoS system, Nodes, or stake pools, are chosen which is based on the size of the “stake” it holds. In other words, the more coins a stake pool holds the more likely it is to be chosen to forge a block and get rewards. To ensure that the wealthiest pools do not always win, other criteria, like the amount of time coins have been staked, can factor into the selection process. Holders of the coin can “stake” their holdings to a stake pool and when a pool (node) is selected to forge a block the reward it receives is distributed among the individual stakers.
Some PoS blockchains have added a degree of randomization into the process so that older and larger stakes do not always win. So, in PoS, miners are replaced with stake pools where people stake their coins. Individuals can “stake,” or place their coins with various stake pools, just the same as miners joining a mining pool to earn more rewards.
PoS also improves Ethereum’s efficiency and ability to scale, In PoW all data that is added to the chain has to undergo verification by all participating nodes. That means that the processing speed of the entire system is limited by the speed of its slowest participant. It creates a haphazard that led to the increase in the transaction costs and decreases throughput.
With a mixup of Staking, Ethereum 2.0 can increase the efficiency of its resource usage in a big way. The new system will accomplish this by breaking data verification tasks up among sets of nodes and each will be responsible for verifying just the data it’s received. That allows the whole blockchain to make use of parallel processing, which could increase overall capacity several times over. Between this added technique and the switch to proof-of-stake, the new Ethereum blockchain should be far faster and more efficient than its predecessor.
Benefits of Ethereum 2.0